Protruding in a sentence as an adjective

It could be a long tube protruding down into the sand.

It doesn't have the old-Lisp roots sticking out, but replaces them with protruding Java bits[0].

The man could use some extra cash and sees large bills protruding from the wallet and decides to take it.

No person ever would reply "Fat with a protruding chin" when asked to describe their face.

That someone though of adding hidden magnets instead of protruding latches to keep the lid closed?

The protruding camera kind of bothers me, probably much more than it really should.

Not liking the design at allThe protruding camera is also really weird.

Here, the one tried code, the known landmark, was shown as grey against white: a mountain peak protruding through a band of clouds which concealed everything to the east or west of it.

Next time you are looking at a door with a latch instead of, or in addition to a bolt, look "behind" the main latch and you should see a small, separate bit protruding.

Does the Dell sport various small and big innovations, from the mag safe adapter to auto-inverted Ethernet port, non protruding camera, lid magnets, etc?

On the front of this he attached a toaster that he rigged to be 'always on'.This heated toaster, protruding three meters forwards, was enough to trick roadside bombs of this kind for months afterwards.

Thick glassy, 3d icons with heavy drop shadows, skeuomorphism, and gradient bevels, protruding interface elements and the like are still as garish now as they were a year ago.

Machines exposed to enclosed, semi-public areas have to withstand a lot of deliberate, brutal sabotage, that'll make you scratch your head, and ask why on earth?With that in mind, protruding parts and orifices generally don't fare well with machines subjected to the abuses of the general public.

Protruding definitions


extending out above or beyond a surface or boundary; "the jutting limb of a tree"; "massive projected buttresses"; "his protruding ribs"; "a pile of boards sticking over the end of his truck"

See also: jutting projected projecting relieved