Prophetical in a sentence as an adjective

There's little narration; the few fragments are abstract and prophetical.

From the perspective of never really farming for profit and only volunteering / taking urban farm courses in college, his writing seems prophetical to me. Any thoughts?

If they don't expect to live long, or a long term future worth living for other generations, you expect we will act more selfishly and greedily, a self-fulfilling prophetical aspect.

"For the fact is that truth is differently presented and expressed in the various types of historical writing, in prophetical and poetical texts, and in other forms of literary expression.

Keep in mind I don't know your situation or what idea for a game you have in your head, but are you coming at this from too much of a black-or-white angle?No you can't create Skyrim iOS edition in your free time, but you could create something much much sillier and simpler right?Get the ball rolling, the creative juices flowing and a few apps in the respective app stores before quitting and going full-force?I realize there isn't anything prophetical here; if you are an all-or-nothing type, then that will just be a much harder decision to make and I am hoping you get a chance to make it at some point.

Prophetical definitions


foretelling events as if by supernatural intervention; "prophetic writings"; "prophetic powers"; "words that proved prophetic"

See also: prophetic