Pronto in a sentence as an adverb

Let's cancel our contract with Google and get this **** maps app in there pronto!

This might be an issue, perhaps a burp that Tesla has to get fixed pronto.

"Steve" needs to fix it, pronto, and that's all that needed to be communicated.

They should drop the charges pronto and issue an apology, and hope it ends there.

Most people would be out of their homes pronto is they didn't work 6-7 day weeks -- and tons of them already are on the streets or trailers...

It's disgusting that there are societies which allow it and can't see how this is the first thing that should be changed, pronto.

Cat sharing companiesOff-topic, but as someone with too many cats I would like this idea to take off pronto.

One day it just broke, and since it was used in the catalog build process to verify that things were sane, it needed to get fixed pronto.

However, customer service couldn't have been more responsive and helped me fix the issue pronto.

Maybe it doesn't need "managing", Oren might just want to talk with whoever was responsible for the change and see what the best way forward is. I don't think panicked, knee-jerk reactions like "OMG we were wrong and will revert that commit pronto!

Yeah, like US and UK populations voted out their chief warmongers pronto, once it came out that the rationale for getting into the Iraq war was fabricated... oh wait

If I discovered errors in my TCP stack, I want those fixed pronto because any kind of workaround would be reimplementing the very task TCP is meant to cover -- I might as well write my own sequencing and retransmission logic on top of UDP!

Pronto definitions


in a punctual manner; "he did his homework promptly"

See also: promptly readily