Prolapse in a sentence as a noun

Ok, who else just searched for "**** prolapse?

A GoPro timelapse is also called a prolapse.

Transvaginal mesh is for pelvic organ prolapse, not some sort of birth control.

Hi HN'ers,Do any of you have back problems or have had a disc prolapse?If so, would you advise to goto gym?

That was a horribly tame example search - "**** prolapse" would have been far more entertaining.

Much less waste, and plumber doesn't need to go to your house as every other week to unclog the toilet.- Safety: Less hemorrhoids and prolapse.

AA collapsed because of the reversal in commercial real estate and the prolapse in the spending power of its target market.

Prolapse in a sentence as a verb

One in ten women will suffer a prolapse with significant symptoms at some point after a vaginal delivery.

My buddy too thought it was normal to easily pass out from too much cardio and eventually found out he had a serious mitral valve prolapse.

We received no information about the risk of prolapse during our ante-natal care, including the standard "you're going to have a baby" book they give to everyone here.

Even here, my wife's gynaecologist said that roughly a third of all women suffer some degree of prolapse from vaginal delivery, and that rate goes up steeply with more children.

When high speed steam locomotives were first invented, critics stated that women would not be able to travel on such trains because the high acceleration could cause their uterus to prolapse.

I am truly frightened by the fact that you probably aren't alone in thinking that, for instance, shoving something into someone's ****** with 'excessive force' causing **** prolapse isn't torture.

As a result after giving birth, a lot of women suffer of traumas for being mistreatet by overworked staff or problems like incontinence, chronic panic and organ prolapse sometimes to a degree they can't work anymore.

Proper Noun Examples for Prolapse

Prolapse is the huge dirty secret of vaginal delivery - one woman in two will suffer some degree of prolapse as a result of childbirth, but probably only one in 5 of those will have it badly enough to have symptoms.

Prolapse definitions


the slipping or falling out of place of an organ (as the uterus)

See also: prolapsus descensus


slip or fall out of place, as of body parts; "prolapsed rectum"