Profusely in a sentence as an adverb

M-san once came up to me at 7 PM and apologized profusely for having to leave early.

They apologized profusely and laid out specific ways in which they're trying to fix the problem.

I probably had the top comment on at least half of those stories, arguing against the tone of the story profusely.

He introduced himself, thanked me profusely for telling him about mullets and bought me a round before joining up with the rest of his friends.

The mechanic profusely apologized, said he would resign and never work in aviation again.

Not in the "ohgodimgonnadie" wheezing, but it's far from comfortable.- It holds you back from doing things you normally would want to do. I wanted to walk around the city and explore more, but it meant being severely out of breath constantly and sweating profusely.

Then one day I step out for a break, a senior person whom I knew had a cube on the row behind me, approaches me, apologizing profusely and ad infinitum that he had got locked out, could I please let him in.

But even if you sit there and say nothing, the prosecution and police are perfectly at liberty to describe how you began sweating profusely and shaking when asked an apparently incriminating question.

Shouldn't it be the other way around, that they refuse to provide such details unless you allow them to?I really hope that Twitter and PayPal apologize profusely to this author, and undo the damage they've done as best as possible.

There is a limit to how "interesting" Tesla can make one of its cars look at the momentthat said, i've heard people compliment the car profusely on its beautifulness, so you might be surprised by how pretty it looks to the general public

She is a portrait of misery, holding back tears during the exam, profusely apologetic for coming in, this is her first infection in 2 years and she's just in absolute despair because she doesn't want more surgery, and begs for the antibiotic only because the antibiotic-steroid combo, in her experience, hurts more and promises she will got to the ER if she gets a headache.

Profusely definitions


in an abundant manner; "they were abundantly supplied with food"; "he thanked her profusely"

See also: abundantly copiously extravagantly