Probable in a sentence as a noun

What is the probable chance of failure of a new business in developing a new product?

This is finding probable cause from another source and obtaining a specific search warrant.

* Insurance fraud is a probable consequence of his business.

No one objects to seeking warrants for targeted monitoring based on probable cause.

Probable in a sentence as an adjective

> Why hasn't anyone addressed the probable criminal activity going on with these handful of judges in this one district of Texas?

Why hasn't anyone addressed the probable criminal activity going on with these handful of judges in this one district of Texas?

The effective, simplest and most probable solution is working inefficiently.

But we rarely see the many possibilities a choice can yield, let alone the probable weightings of each one. Even granted the great presumption that everyone should be perfectly rational, it still depends on perfect information.

Probable definitions


an applicant likely to be chosen


likely but not certain to be or become true or real; "a likely result"; "he foresaw a probable loss"

See also: likely


apparently destined; "the probable consequences of going ahead with the scheme"