Preservation in a sentence as a noun

The goal now is self preservation and self promotion.

Hmm...except that cryopreservation is still, as of this point, a complete crock of ****.

I've been thinking a lot the past few weeks about the preservation of art and goods in general.

Always on DRM is also a threat to the preservation of artistic works for future generations.

Evidently, the preservation of civil liberties was more important to him.

The lawful objectives of that search are either officer safety or preservation of evidence.

Gamblers focus on the potential profits and get high on how their luck evaded fate in one nick of time, traders focus on preservation of capital.

They do this by perfusing preservation media through your blood, relying on your body's circulatory system to get the media in all the right places.

Even if you were a total bastard you would get rid of anyone you were responsible for who was pulling that kind of ****, as long as you had even the slightest instinct for self-preservation.

I have a very hard time believing UN reports because of politics, corruption, and self-preservation interests of bureaucracy.

Pellet and re-suspend a small vial of cells to dilute out the media, replace with a special preservation media then dunk the entire 5mL vial in a big pot of liquid nitrogen for a few minutes.

They will argue wildlife endangerment, habitat destruction, cancer risk, ******* risk, traffic risk, earthquake/disaster risk, global epidemic risk, job preservation/creation/destruction risk, you name it.

The only real danger for the preservation of books in physical form is fire.> by centralizing many books to one physical object, you risk losing much more content as you lose that physical objectNo, you got it wrong.

These are records that are so rare and so -- for lack of a better term -- unwanted by the vast majority of the music-listening populace that the act of collecting them is less about hoarding and more about preservation.

"Possibly because a civil society, favoring the preservation of a measure of basic autonomy, does not implement every measure for tracking, enforcing, circumscribing, and monitoring the people.

"The court also opined that a state has a rational interest in neighborhood preservation, continuity and stability, and that Proposition 13's system of "locking in" lower tax assessments contributed to such preservation.

Internationally and historically, similar levels of state communications monitoring are correlated with the need for self-preservation by authoritarian regimes.

Preservation definitions


the activity of protecting something from loss or danger

See also: saving


the condition of being (well or ill) preserved


a process that saves organic substances from decay


an occurrence of improvement by virtue of preventing loss or injury or other change

See also: conservation