Presbyopia in a sentence as a noun

I work very hard to keep my body and face like 29. But presbyopia and gray hair creep in.

I'm 43, which I don't think is quite "elderly", but presbyopia has hit me pretty hard in the past year.

So this app trains people with presbyopia to recognize blurry shapes as the corresponding text.

As someone who is experience the annoyance of presbyopia, I hope they finish this product soon.

Recently I developed presbyopia, and now cellphone screens look blurry unless I remove my glasses.

But presbyopia[1] presents some challenges that younger engineers & designers might not think about.

More for young developers with eagle eyes, that can't afford it, not for elder developers with enough money, but presbyopia.

I was just listening to some techniques on YouTube on how to fix presbyopia by switching to older prescriptions from current prescriptions to bring back the elasticity.

To think what presbyopia has done for my quality of life!A couple of years ago somebody in the neighborhood book club inflicted on us an historical novel, Oprah-endorsed.

Were there elderly nearsighted arrowhead makers, able to do close work despite age related presbyopia, trading their skillfully made arrowheads for food?One additional observation.

Presbyopia definitions


a reduced ability to focus on near objects caused by loss of elasticity of the crystalline lens after age 45

See also: farsightedness