Premiss in a sentence as a noun

Returns too, only matter if it actually does fail, which given the premiss it doesnt.

I must say my gut reaction to such titles is usually rejection of premiss.

Already the premiss goes wrong with "The human brain is a fascinating machine.

"Copyleft hardware is not nearly as widespread as copyleft software"The core premiss is still true.

If the premiss is that only the ideologues care enough to vote then I don't see how open primaries fixes that.

This premiss-conclusion structure is visualised as a sentence list: First all premisses of the argument are listed.

Premiss in a sentence as a verb

I was addressing the premiss of the article that Twitter was a "communications mechanism" like email.

"The China Study"'s central premiss is that a vegan diet reduces the likelihood of dying of the "Western" diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

> Robot-assisted_surgeryIs based on the premiss of a smaller incision and more precise tissue manipulations leading to better outcomes.

A generous interpretation of intent goes a long way, and if that is out of reach, at least do enough research to make sure you're not pointing out weaknesses based on a false premiss.

Banned on a false economic and scaremongering premiss, yet the laws remain for emotional nonsensical reasons.

When Microsoft sues Android manufacturers and settles for ~$5 per phone, is that less unctuous because they are still growing and innovating?Is the general premiss that if Yahoo stays the course they'll die a slow death and this measure extends their runway even more?

Premiss definitions


a statement that is assumed to be true and from which a conclusion can be drawn; "on the assumption that he has been injured we can infer that he will not to play"

See also: premise assumption


take something as preexisting and given

See also: premise