Preferable in a sentence as an adjective

It wasn't long ago that dead-tree books were preferable to tablets, before Retina was a thing. And you could still argue print books are preferable.

It is preferable to do this by politely declining to be interviewed in the absence of counsel. If the agent asks "why do you need an attorney?"

The post makes the same assumption that a lot of Hacker News articles do- that a startup is the most preferable option available to anyone, at any time. It isn't.

I find this vastly preferable to the click-drag-click-drag-click-drag google style. On touch screens, the movement follows your finger which is more intuitive generally.

As the article points out, it's a question of stealth versus speed, but speed is not necessarily preferable. The powers of Sauron, especially deep within his own domain, are indeed unknown.

To me, them being tacky capitalist sex shopping centres is preferable to being underground, dingy and dangerous. Trafficking and exploitation is definitely a problem but I'm not sure if the law change from 2001 has made matters worse or better.

I generally prefer to work in the office over remote work, because it's preferable from a networking perspective, but a zero-tolerance approach to it is ridiculous. My personal hunch is that this is a move to reduce headcount.

I certainly don't begrudge an interest in all things British, because it's preferable to the situation Americans often find themselves in when abroad, where they're considered cheeseburger eating morons. Just think- they could all be asking you when your last football riot was.

I think the X220 is slightly preferable, especially considering how much cheaper it is now. The standard X220 goes for 600 GBP and 825 GBP for the tablet version while the X230 goes for 1100 GBP and the tablet version for 1700 GBP. All of these with HDD and thus requiring adding about 200 GBP extra for a SSD. So it seems that the X220 wins in almost all regards.

⚫ Single-column designs are almost always preferable to multi-column. With an adaptive width, this will frequently address the needs of both desktop and mobile users with very few additional adaptations.

Sometimes that simplicity of an inelegant and un-complex but well-understood structure is preferable.

This is just personal experience and a lot of it comes down to taste, but IMO if you are already proficient with git there is absolutely nothing about mercurial that is preferable and some considerable downsides I have been subjected to. Disclaimer: This was a few years ago now, perhaps the project is more mature than it was.

I suppose that call centers are preferable to warehouses, in that there is little risk of injury, and there are more opportunities to move up or transfer careers. Still, this is one of the human costs of corporate capitalism in general: if you don't have rare or specialized skills, you have no negotiating power, and have to take whatever you can get.

But it's still probably preferable to them using their talents to design increasingly convoluted financial instruments for ripping off suckers ... which is the other thing the most talented members of this generation seem to be doing.

So while yes, of course, it would be preferable for an officer to be properly informed about Uber's legality, I don't think we should be judging him too harshly for his mistake, especially when it sounds like Colorado has only recently legalized Uber, and the officer did not attempt to ticket or detain anyone for the purported violation. Edit: By the way, the Colorado law imposes a number of requirements.

Preferable definitions


more desirable than another; "coffee is preferable to tea"; "Danny's preferred name is `Dan'"

See also: preferred