Preface in a sentence as a noun

I should preface this by saying that I love Project Euler--I spent a ton of time there while learning to program.

[Edit: To be fair, Douglas Crockford does write in the preface that the book is dense and may require multiple readings.

I better preface this with that despite being a libertarian, I don't back, believe in, or own BitCoin.

Sadly, it's often a good idea to preface "Show HN" submissions with this nowadays so that someone else doesn't tell you how useless your project is in the comments thread.

But does that preface actually specifically address them, or is it just a cargo-cult disclaimer to keep the responses from being derailed by feel-good plighties?

Preface in a sentence as a verb

The discussion is on basic marketing which implies to the general populace, not HNers who are comfortable re-installing their OS. And you preface with "How odd..." either unknowingly or just plain condescendingly describing 95% of the computer buying public.

It was just because we could actually run queries on a data set.-----Off Topic - how annoying is it that when you copy & paste from the FT, they preface your copy with the following text?High quality global journalism requires investment.

And yet frighteningly effective; here's an anecdote that includes a thought exercise to consider, and let me preface the thought exercise by making clear that I am not accusing anyone of lying in the situation linked here and intentionally have no opinion on it, for reasons that shall become clear.

But that's another discussion...I write that preface to provide some context on what my real concern is with regards to Dawkins and the legions of young enthusiastic atheists that I run into, in person and on the web: the absolute philosophical illiteracy of so many naively confident advocates of reductionist science and the silly caricatures of faith they hold to.

Preface definitions


a short introductory essay preceding the text of a book

See also: foreword prolusion


furnish with a preface or introduction; "She always precedes her lectures with a joke"; "He prefaced his lecture with a critical remark about the institution"

See also: precede premise introduce