Preclude in a sentence as a verb

So are many other things - and yeah it doesn't preclude me from spouting it.

A college degree doesn't preclude someone from waiting tables, cleaning up messes and answering phones.

Do you have the ability to go straight to your bank, or does Simple preclude that ability?In this text:> Simple is not a bank.

They already sell devices that are effectively locked down to Android, but that doesn't preclude them continuing to sell Windows laptops.

And it doesn't preclude the implementation of Chrome extensions which provide that functionality.

Coming from a woman doesn't preclude it being sexism - sexism is a structural rather than individual problem, and women are just as immersed in the overall sexist culture as men are.

Go was not designed for 32 bit, segmented stacks are great because of reasons that have nothing to have with address space addressability, in fact there are C implementations that use segmented stacks, segmented stacks do not preclude using the system libc, the reasons for bypassing libc were completely different, and calling C code from Go works just fine.

Preclude definitions


keep from happening or arising; make impossible; "My sense of tact forbids an honest answer"; "Your role in the projects precludes your involvement in the competitive project"

See also: prevent forestall foreclose forbid


make impossible, especially beforehand