Preach in a sentence as a verb

I thought, "Hey...I'd better start practicing what I preach!

I started preaching from door to door at age 5 and was baptized at age 11.

In the 90s when I was 14 I would preach on a street that had the highest ****** rate in Joliet.

This seems like a silly post designed purely to preach to the "recruiters?

You're preaching exactly the nonsense DeBeer's wants you to preach; they've got you hook, line, and sinker.

We need news sources like this to practice the globalization sermon they all preach.

But he should stop trying to preach like this on the failures of our civilization, because he is just talking out of his ***.

I especially like the one that demonstrates the importance of "practice what you preach.

However, far less that 5% of "Environmentalists" I have ever met practice what they preach.

I find it disheartening that this is an unobvious idea to some who preach freedom of information.

> If I don't own a TV and never even remember the fact that I don't have a TV, is that 'attachment'?If you are compelled to blog about it incessantly and preach it as religion, yes. Otherwise, not really.

Upvoted too because I preach this to friends/family regularly for serious issues/offenses.

The religion bit has no bearing on the paper except that an article on religion must be in every issue, but they don't attempt to advance/preach the christian scientist faith in any way.

I figured since I had to move anyway, I might as well shut them up so I can get back to coding instead of spending hours on end having some dipshit preach at me about how much better his stupid *** religion^Wcommunity is.

Preach definitions


deliver a sermon; "The minister is not preaching this Sunday"

See also: prophesy


speak, plead, or argue in favor of; "The doctor advocated a smoking ban in the entire house"

See also: advocate