Pram in a sentence as a noun

Don't just throw your toys out of the pram, argue!

Google might have applied financial pressure, Apple might have thrown their toys out of the pram.

You'll have a particular pram/stroller you use and specific snacks.

All it takes is one drone to run out of juice carrying a thick stack of physics textbooks and crash into a pram.

Kind of like "gee, thanks for the free cake, but I prefer my icing on the side, waahhhh sob sob sob [ throws toys from the pram ]"

This reminds me of a funny behavior I noticed when I visited Iceland - parents would simply leave their kids outside in a pram when they went into a cafe or a restaurant.

That is the rules, right?So if Snowden is to be branded a traitor, Obama can be branded a petulant, entitled, pampered, sulky, embarrassed, teen-aged child who is used to getting his own way, and will throw toys out of the pram when mommy says "no".Point being, this business of dirty tricks PR bites both sides.

Pram definitions


a small vehicle with four wheels in which a baby or child is pushed around

See also: carriage perambulator stroller go-cart pushchair pusher