Pragmatist in a sentence as a noun

From a pragmatist point of view, you're right, it doesn't matter.

Isaac is a pragmatist, he uses what suits the group of people he works with.

I sincerely hope someone writes a "pragmatist's" systems language like this.

Which satisfies the pragmatist in me, but still makes the tree-hugger in me slightly melancholy.

The pragmatist in me realizes I don't need a core i7 to edit text files and run unicorn_rails in the background...but the geek in me punched the pragmatist in the face and said "yes you do".

You hear all of the ethicists saying oh the technology is outrunning ethics, to which the pragmatist answer is that’s exactly what we want.

Those are the pragmatists, taking the long view/forest for the trees approach, knowing that programming is more than the some of its parts but also that it’s a miracle it even works at all.

As a pragmatist, Im willing to assume anything thats indistinguishable from a conscious being is indeed conscious.

Its members were moderate and pragmatist politicians from the banned party plus several other pragmatist and moderates from other right of the center parties.

Or Linus the pragmatist?I love Gittip's primary mission, but I hate that they'd rather see this primary mission fail than compromise on any of a list of additional secondary goals.

I'm a pragmatist: I agree people shouldn't be sexually assaulted, but given that people are* being sexually assaulted and will keep being sexually assaulted for decades to come, I think we should also focus on helping victims in better ways.

It's obvious that those who point out that CoffeeScript is a dialect and compiles to JavaScript so it is therefore an acceptable mis-labeling are attempting to have their cake and eat it too at the expense of people like me that either have not taken the time to learn it yet, or do not care to for _numerous_ philosophical reasons which I defend are quite valid, though being a pragmatist, ultimately will not factor into my reasoning.

Pragmatist definitions


an adherent of philosophical pragmatism


a person who takes a practical approach to problems and is concerned primarily with the success or failure of her actions