Practised in a sentence as an adjective

But Gandhi is just one of many who practised non-violence.

Maybe if humanized mice practised abstinence until mice marriage they wouldn't get HIV in the first place?

"It then states that "despite this, various forms of the caste system are practised in several Buddhist countries".

They practised slash and burn agriculture, which became frowned upon because it was thought to threaten the wood supply for building ships.

I have practised mutual respect - a meritocracy.

Yoga might have meant all those spiritual aspects you've outlined, but as practised here in the USA and even in India, none of those aspects are even remotely brought to bear.

Yoga a few centuries ago might have meant what you said, but as practised today, in the here and now, simply means acrobatic gym sessions with contortions paid for by your montly paycheck.

In short, I guess I'm saying I'm a bit more practised at recognising weasel words for what they are - and in this situation, it's not really an "anything bad is possible from here"; the worst has happened.

"...various forms of the caste system are practised in several Buddhist countries, mainly in Sri Lanka, Tibet, and Japan where butchers, leather and metal workers and janitors are sometimes regarded as being impure.

If you look around a bit you'll find a lot of people who are rather bearish on democracy as practised in the first world west - professional politicians with no real world experience, being voted in by the cynical, uninformed masses, propagandised by bought and paid for mass media.

The idea that there is a "poor, uneducated, unacculturate" immigrant underclass in the UK is a racist lie. Recently arrived immigrants often find themselves at a disadvantage, but 2nd & 3rd generation communities are often wealthier, and better educated than "natives".Five or ten years ago, I would have told you that this kind of politicised bigotry was entirely outside the British mainstream... only practised by a tiny, shabby fringe.

Practised definitions


skillful after much practice

See also: practiced