Potato in a sentence as a noun

He must be making a really nice potato salad.

You might as well compare terrorists to the Irish potato famine.

You could download a theme that turned your printer dialogue into a potato.

""Alright", you say, "but if I start dictating prices, won't Apple and their 90% monopoly just drop my sorry apps like a hot potato?

300 calories of raw carrots is not equal to 300 calories of potato chips, as far as your body is concerned.

If you start exercising consistently and cut out sugary soft drinks and lay off the potato chips, how you do know which thing did what?

You can't compare measurements taken on different computers, for all you know the OP has a potato and I have a speed demon toaster.

The workout plan that fits a 220-pound male rugby player is not going to fit a 110-pound female volleyball player or a 350-pound couch potato who is trying to get into shape.

This petition site furthers couch-potato politics; it enables people to 'do their bit' without actually moving their ***.

Again, a really cool little bit of datamining/ML, in 1997, no less, and running on the computational equivalent of a potato.

Wages are stagnant or falling, costs of necessities are rising, but there's a huge amount of money sloshing around and pumping up everything from potato salad to cryptocurrencies based on a shiba inu dog meme to obvious pink sheet scams.

Potato definitions


an edible tuber native to South America; a staple food of Ireland

See also: murphy spud tater


annual native to South America having underground stolons bearing edible starchy tubers; widely cultivated as a garden vegetable; vines are poisonous