Post-mortem in a sentence as a noun

Pg, could you post the HN traffic stats for today as a post-mortem style post?

After that project, I did a post-mortem on the project to figure out where I went wrong.

The text reads partially like a post-mortem of a failed project, partially like that of a success.

Hi everyone -A full post-mortem is coming, but here's what happened from my perspective.

It seems you always read about that eventually happening in the post-mortem of any company with that type of structure.

As the lead developer for Cryptocat, I must say this is really a great example of how to write a post-mortem for a security bug.

What they need is a post-mortem and a transparent analysis of the situation posted on their website, similar to what Heroku did with their outage.

"Not something I'd want on my personal system, but it's exactly the sort of thing that I think every NOC/Secure environment should have for post-mortem assessments.

Post-mortem definitions


discussion of an event after it has occurred

See also: postmortem


an examination and dissection of a dead body to determine cause of death or the changes produced by disease

See also: autopsy necropsy postmortem