Portrait in a sentence as a noun

Do you think the artist who painted that portrait made his own canvas and made his own paints?

5-10 years ago, a portrait photographer could charge a $100 sitting fee but still make $1,000+ on print sales.

Did anybody even try reading a Word document in portrait mode on the thing?

It portrays pretty much all of these events like Woz describes them, and is a very complete portrait of Jobs.

For a fun portrait of McCarthy's early life and aspirations, see the passages about him in "What the Doormouse Said".

The portrait examples on that Google page are exactly the sort of thing that wouldn't have been possible previously.

Side note: The illustrated portrait of Gates that accompanies this article was done by, drumroll...my dad!In fact, my pops did the illustrations for the entire series.

Horribly broken web browser, no portrait keyboard, unusable app store that spent two minutes downloading updates for itself whenever it was opened, outdated version of the Qt API on the device...

She is a portrait of misery, holding back tears during the exam, profusely apologetic for coming in, this is her first infection in 2 years and she's just in absolute despair because she doesn't want more surgery, and begs for the antibiotic only because the antibiotic-steroid combo, in her experience, hurts more and promises she will got to the ER if she gets a headache.

Portrait definitions


a word picture of a person's appearance and character

See also: portrayal portraiture


any likeness of a person, in any medium; "the photographer made excellent portraits"

See also: portrayal