Porcupine in a sentence as a noun

The porcupine on the cover threw me for a second, but then I realized what he did there.

There are lots of coyotes, hawks, antelope, foxes, porcupine and skunks.

> And that spiky-haired mascot..."Keepod" means "porcupine" in Hebrew, hence the mascot.

It's basically a "porcupine defense" where governments won't bother asking for secret decryption since it would cost so much money.

Competing with google in the US without a revolutionary take on search and/or hardware is like entering an *** kicking contest with a porcupine.

Maybe if I paid him "licensing" fees it would be more equitable, but then we have another porcupine to hug, managing all the internal licensing.

If you were able to get a decently powered laser in a satellite, it wouldn't be able to control too many aircraft unless it looked like a porcupine.

Porcupine definitions


relatively large rodents with sharp erectile bristles mingled with the fur

See also: hedgehog