Polarize in a sentence as a verb

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

If you're going to polarize the issue, admit that there are two sides, and allow both to exist.

“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”I think that the great tech though-crime purge of 2013-?

Why are you working?I think it's bad to polarize things like this - being a 501 developer vs not having a life.

To polarize that into a US vs Europe debate is silly at best and '******* crazy' at worst.

Pitting design teams against a "simplistic math test" is a silly way to polarize the issue.

Mother Jones clearly has theirs, otherwise I would have to accuse you of "trying to polarize a situation".

No blame both big cable AND local governments ... its always a distraction to polarize the argument ...

This raises a very good point, but the Rand quote is sure to polarize people's responses and I personally don't think it's necessary.

One of the central rules of political organizing is this: you pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

Polarizing figures with leadership qualities polarize the people around them.

However, as this is a complex issue, I just think that mantras are of limited value and tend to polarize something that isn't helped by polarization.

Its gotten popular to use blaming language, paint everything with the sexism brush, and generally polarize discussions about workplaces.

Polarize definitions


cause to vibrate in a definite pattern; "polarize light waves"

See also: polarise


cause to concentrate about two conflicting or contrasting positions

See also: polarise


become polarized in a conflict or contrasting situation

See also: polarise