Poisonous in a sentence as an adjective

I just wanted to point out how poisonous our community is.

Good times that involved poisonous mercury to boot.

You've drank milk and eaten meat contaminated by poisonous chemicals from coal power plants for your whole life.

Having a Google plus account linked to YouTube with real name policy has not stopped the trolls and poisonous commenters.

I see this guy's protocol as nothing but poisonous in the long run. He's off and created yet another processed food product that must be assumed to fail to meet the needs of the human body.

Well done eh?See, this is why America's model of mixed-capitalism is so poisonous.

This is a poisonous environment to do business in. International business is going to go elsewhere, and domestic business will also choose to outsource to more transparent countries.

">"I see this guy's protocol as nothing but poisonous in the long run."You place a burden of evidence on him that you yourself in this very post violated on a number of occasions.

Had they continued to move forward--had the living room's poisonous moniker of "HD" spared computer monitors its wrath--I believe we would have breathtaking desktop displays by now.

There's a place where points of view become so poisonous and pernicious, it's a moral duty to become angry rather than tolerate their continued reasonable discussion.

It helps in the last step of making the protein building-block called methionine; if you get malnourished in this way your body just basically fills up with "almost finished" methionine which is useless and might even be poisonous.

Poisonous definitions


having the qualities or effects of a poison

See also: toxicant


not safe to eat


marked by deep ill will; deliberately harmful; "poisonous hate"; "venomous criticism"; "vicious gossip"

See also: venomous vicious