Plentitude in a sentence as a noun

His response was: "that feeling is a luxury of having grown up with a plentitude of stuff".

This is what they wanted and what they fought for — western plentitude, with all those shiny, colourful goods they dreamed about.

Speaking for myself, I strongly prefer a plentitude of public open space, rather than a little bit of private yard.

> His response was: "that feeling is a luxury of having grown up with a plentitude of stuff".This is definitely untrue.

You can install whatever you want whether it has a digital signature or not and yes it also includes the plentitude of crapwares and spywares.>Your interest might be a usable Desktop OS like Win7.

Python has a plentitude of frameworks, template libraries, protocol implementations, dev tools, packaging and deployment mechanisms.

Plentitude definitions


a full supply; "there was plenty of food for everyone"

See also: plenty plentifulness plenteousness plenitude