Pleb in a sentence as a noun

Only an unwashed pleb would live in anything less than 20,000sq-ft, eh?

Being a pleb is a mindset established over time.

For who?Sure, from a general population "pleb" POV, yes, mistakes.

I suspect that being a "mod" boosts one's internet ego and letting go makes you just a "pleb user" again.

Their best option is to ignore the pleb's while demand dies off enough that their existing infrastructure is adequate

I'm not doubting you, I'm a pleb when it comes to things like this and just get lost in the stories, I'd like to learn what people with some training in things like this notice.

I was afraid of slow disappearance of the values he defended, but I see the Western pleb has very twisted values already.

But we see so many stories these days about how various little plebs aren't getting some perceived due that it's becoming a degenerate force.

So you get better treatment for one pleb or another pleb because of what school they went to or their gender, but in the end it's all just interchangeable plebs anyway.

Consult your sibling poster for guidance on making a reasonable refutation of GP's comments without resorting to “lol stay pleb” or “******* moron”.

My submission would be:I was a help desk pleb at a well known inkjet/scanner/camera company 15 years ago and this company "extended" their clipper database to record third party cartridges, but recorded them in .ini format.

Percentage of ownership isn't unknown and thus may be more useful, but ultimately neither is a guarantee of anything since either way you can be virtually wiped out by future dilution if you're just a common share pleb, which is by far the norm for non-founder early employees.

Pleb definitions


one of the common people

See also: plebeian