Platen in a sentence as a noun

You can see a knob on the left and the right that can be used to turn the platen.

I stuff my ears with earplugs and then lean over the platen as the printing begins.

Most of the other DIY book scanners that I've seen use other methods to lift the platen.

You see the cabinets in the background, the keys on the console, the keys on the terminal, the platen knob, and the drawers on the desk.

I emailed a typewriter-collecting friend who expressed concerns about the platen getting dirty or damaged with conversions like these.

This was coupled to a Model 15 Teletype with a pin feed platen and some other extra features so standard telegrams could be printed automatically.

We're only dipping our toes in the book-digitizing nascency, and it takes around twenty minutes to rip a book and $300 for the platen and a couple digital cameras.

After the first batch was done, the printer would go to the platen, erase one of the stars, and start the press run for the snail mail edition that would ship later to the customers who received copies by mail.

If you already have one for other reasons, or can borrow one, you can make legible copies for free, or spend a little to make a platen and fixed camera mount for better copies in less time.

I was expecting the graphic to animate as I type, with the ribbon holder jumping up and down, maybe even display the text itself, and hoping to hear that satisfying sound of the letters against the platen.

Digital media seems to be viewed much more as a commodity to many in the industry, unfortunately—in spite of it being the most effective and paradigm-shifting medium for mass communication since the television, radio, or platen press.

Platen definitions


work table of a machine tool


the flat plate of a printing press that presses the paper against the type


the roller on a typewriter against which the keys strike