Plash in a sentence as a noun

One of the core aspects of plash is that containers should just be normal processes.

You can see plash containers with top, **** them with `****`, or set them a different nice value.

What this actually means is that plash containers run as the current user, so not as root.

Technically a plash container is just a process.

To continue the reply...plash uses along others linux namespaces and chroot.

Plash in a sentence as a verb

What you can do right now is use images from a local docker installation:$ plash --from-docker busybox -- printf hi

To be fair plash relies on fuse and newuidmap/newgidmap which are suid, so there is at least a little bit happening with root access rights.

Exactly as with running programs "normally", don't run programs you do not trust with plash and try to avoid using plash with the root user.

If you really want "complete" isolation in plash you'd just had to setuid/setgid/setgroups away from the namespaced root user.

With plash you can just use supervisord, the init of your operating system and other established means of managing background processes.

Plash definitions


the sound like water splashing

See also: splash


interlace the shoots of; "pleach a hedge"

See also: pleach


dash a liquid upon or against; "The mother splashed the baby's face with water"

See also: spatter splatter splash splosh swash