Plaque in a sentence as a noun

If you dont do it, you will get plaque and your mind will rot.

The voice came from an oblong metal plaque like a dulled mirror ...

A plaque is like a scab of the arterial wall.

Sort of a little silver "Met the internet, didn't like it, moved on." plaque.

I'd think all those Foxconn workers need a similar inspiration plaque.

Somehow I feel that bleached out featureless flags on the Moon matches the message in that plaque perfectly.

Such a plaque should, being from the internet, feature an engraved copy of the goatse image, with suitable text.

These are the energy sources for plaque/cavity causing bacteria.

Something like, "I was reamed by the internet for $40,000 and all I get was this lousy plaque"?It is always nice to see frivolous legal proceedings backfire on the perpetrator.

There is weak, very unreliable evidence from 10 studies that flossing plus toothbrushing may be associated with a small reduction in plaque at 1 and 3 months.

Dr. Bose had been awarded a plaque at the national ASA conference in the summer of 2011, but he wasn't well enough to travel to accept the reward, so we volunteered to host a reception in Cambridge to give him the award and recognize other prominent acousticians.

There were two very cool things about them: they used the same dot pattern that we use today, and, as the plaque informed us, they were loaded, rolling 6 significantly more often than the other numbers.

Any sound Winston made, above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked up by it; moreover, so long as he remained within the field of vision which the metal plaque commanded, he could be seen as well as heard.

That cholesterol represents something less than a rounding error compared to total body cholesterol, and even less when compared to the total flow of cholesterol that must pass over the plaques in named vessels.

> Clinical studies will be published soon, showing the same > dramatic improvements in plaque-removal and overall oral > hygiene that our inhouse testing and usage by > our first customers have already been showing.

Plaque definitions


(pathology) a small abnormal patch on or inside the body


a memorial made of brass

See also: brass