Planetarium in a sentence as a noun

It's probably giving that as the date because they added the new planetarium in 2000.

Friday night 3d fractals in the planetarium is an amazing thing.

So much left to explore.. So beautiful..BTW, the name of the planetarium reminded me at first of Hadden.

From the article:> the model is a mat with a picture of Saturn, but will eventually grow to crown a school planetarium at the city

Visit whatever local planetarium / star gazing events are out there.

In a planetarium, the beetles orientate equally well when rolling under a full starlit sky as when only the Milky Way is present.

With the studio consisting of our speaker, Peter who wrote the snowmix mixer, me and a few laptops in a backroom in the local planetarium.

They were either captured within planetarium software like Stellarium, or generated programmatically.

Planetarium definitions


a building housing an instrument for projecting the positions of the planets onto a domed ceiling


an optical device for projecting images of celestial bodies and other astronomical phenomena onto the inner surface of a hemispherical dome


an apparatus or model for representing the solar systems