Plagiarizer in a sentence as a noun

What?Are you saying they are arrogant for outing a plagiarizer?

More precisely, Gnostics called the demiurge a liar as well as a plagiarizer.

The plagiarizer hasn't taken the care to assimilate an idea well enough so he can put it into his own words.

> That's way more hoops than even a semi-motivated plagiarizer is willing to jump through

That's way more hoops than even a semi-motivated plagiarizer is willing to jump through.

Outing the plagiarizers does nothing to get them to do the right thing in the future, their ability to contribute is virtually eliminated.

At the very least, it'd serve as evidence that the article existed before being republished by the plagiarizer, making the fraud painfully obvious.

You should have investigated the issue before insinuating the accused is a serial plagiarizer.

If it's just replacing words, then it's not "writing" any actual content, but basically GPT-3 is a very sophisticated cut-and-past plagiarizer engine.

The idea is that plagiarism should be permitted in cases where the plagiarizer believes the plagiarizee is guilty of violating social justice norms.

By “stealing” that finished work, the plagiarizer is granted credentials that they don’t deserve, thereby rotting their given institution from within by being granted prestige without the expected concomitant skill to match.

Plagiarizer definitions


someone who uses another person's words or ideas as if they were his own

See also: plagiarist plagiariser pirate