Pizzazz in a sentence as a noun

Doesn't have the styling pizzazz, but man is this thing feature rich!

There's no reason why GitHub can't have a little more pizzazz.

Team A's will be slightly more springy to the touch and a little more pizzazz.

But the thing I resent them most for is how often they just "add visual pizzazz".

They could use a bit of tesla's marketing and website pizzazz

Let's toss in "no jobs" and "no food" to add a little pizzazz to your thought experiment.

I'm guessing it's aimed for those who want something more stylish with pizzazz at the expense of higher specs.

Compared to "the time my boss asked me to catch running circular saws he would slide down a roof at me", "that time I found a complicated XSS" just lacks pizzazz.

Go does lack quite a bit of the web pizzazz you'd find in rails, but I learned a lot more by writing web things in go than I did in rails because so much less of the magic is hidden away from you.

It looks to me like IBM is selling "Titles Office" software for other applications, given it the fancy name "Hyperledger" and added blockchain to marketing blurb for extra pizzazz.

GPU technology has come a long way over the last 5 years, but most AAA game studios want to cross-sell their titles to both the PC and console markets, so practically speaking they’re constrained to only providing as much graphical pizzazz as the current generation of consoles can support.

Pizzazz definitions


the activeness of an energetic personality

See also: dynamism pizzaz oomph zing