Pitchman in a sentence as a noun

I'm no pitchman but it's saved me a lot of time & money.

[1]I sound like an infomercial pitchman but that book changed my life.

Bre is also a great pitchman, looking forward to my Replicator 2

Jobs greatest strength may arguably have been as a pitchman, but wasn't his greatest passion the product itself?

Someone has to be the pitchman for legit, non-politicized research.

It's like they hired the maximally smug douchey viagra/mma/e-cig/snakeoil pitchman.

How many pitches have gone awry because a carefully-rehearsed presentation team had the pitchman get sick in the hotel?

Senior executives and investors are chosen for boards because their day jobs require an understanding of market context and a good ******** filter to guard against the Jobsesque pitchman scenario.

"He is an engaging pitchman and never loses an opportunity to sell his products, eloquently describing a time when computers will be as common as kitchen appliances and as revolutionary in their impact as the telephone or the internal-combustion engine.

But what do you do about the deals where the salesperson does the normal "used car salesman / snake oil pitchman" act, scores the sell by promising a lot of **** that's not realistic, and then it ultimately costs the company more money than the sale price, to fulfil the deal?This argument isn't against sales commissions, it's against bad salespeople.

But what do you do about the deals where the salesperson does the normal "used car salesman / snake oil pitchman" act, scores the sell by promising a lot of **** that's not realistic, and then it ultimately costs the company more money than the sale price, to fulfil the deal?Or maybe it's not that bad, but maybe the scenario just creates a debacle that leaves a bad taste in the customer's mouth and ixnay's any future deals with that customer.

Pitchman definitions


an aggressive salesman who uses a fast line of talk to sell something


someone who travels about selling his wares (as on the streets or at carnivals)

See also: peddler pedlar packman hawker