Pigeonhole in a sentence as a noun

As if, you don't truly exist until you can pigeonhole yourself into a couple of statistics.

By the pigeonhole principle, no matter how fast you can calculate pi, you cannot actually use this to compress data.

I think if you put those two together, you really can't pigeonhole this type of service as "just another Silicon Valley app.

Can't this be elegantly solved via the pigeonhole principle?There are one million numbers to be sorted, out of a space of one hundred million.

Pigeonhole in a sentence as a verb

It is essentially the pigeonhole principle: the principle that if you put more than n pigeons into n holes then there must be a hole with more than one pigeon in.

But when you pigeonhole yourself into an absolutist position, you've guaranteed that you're going to be flagrantly wrong sometimes.

We are no longer able to have any real discusion about anything anymore because pretty much everything can be stuffed into a "partisan" pigeonhole.

Pigeonhole definitions


a specific (often simplistic) category


a small compartment

See also: cubbyhole


place into a small compartment


treat or classify according to a mental stereotype; "I was stereotyped as a lazy Southern European"

See also: stereotype stamp