Pickaxe in a sentence as a noun

Makes the prospect of the $77,000 pickaxe this seems insane.

You don't have to bootstrap your way to your spaceship with a pickaxe and a roll of duct tape.

Dwarves have a high chance of carrying a pickaxe, noble variants have a high chance of having dwarven mithril, shield, iron shoes.

How are you going to replicate what makes git so awesome: `rebase -i`, `filter-branch`, `rerere`, pickaxe, and so many other features?

Plus I don't understand the idea of getting everyone to pool their money together to buy the pickaxe when only one person sees the ending.

Pickaxe definitions


a heavy iron tool with a wooden handle and a curved head that is pointed on both ends; "they used picks and sledges to break the rocks"

See also: pick pickax