Physiotherapy in a sentence as a noun

I was explained this is a bit like physiotherapy, but for the tongue and mouth.

If they were to attend an actual physiotherapy course, things may be different.

Well, exercise injury is an entire field of study, and hence the existence of the profession of physiotherapy.

It started as a gaming device but is also starting to be used in physiotherapy and other medical applications.

It was an overnight stay in hospital, the only costs not incurred for the actual surgery and operation were MRI's and physiotherapy.

If the pain is persistent, medical practitioners would be more likely to recommend physiotherapy than an endless supply of painkillers.

There have been a lot of studies on this in the international space station and there is essentially a good enough answer for this which involves exercise and physiotherapy once the person is back on Earth.

Only now he's had 6+ years of physiotherapy correcting his improperly developed muscular system.+1 Canada for having a public health care system that moves fast when it needs to.-1 Canada for having a public health care system that moves incredibly slow when it doesn't need to.

Physiotherapy definitions


therapy that uses physical agents: exercise and massage and other modalities

See also: physiatrics