Physiologic in a sentence as an adjective

It's not perfect evidence, but the theory also makes basic physiologic sense.

Teaching that the male and female brain do not have any anatomic or physiologic difference.

I have a little theory that a significant portion of our physiologic PFC burden is acquired when we're babies.

One can be more specific, but there certainly is a physiologic definition of lactate threshold.

"Panic" responses, fear, and the whole manner of physiologic changes that happen in a human didn't spring up over-night.

> The literature review found sufficient evidence that ME/CFS is a disease with a physiologic basis.

Dr. John Campbell, who posts daily on Coronavirus news internationally, and who also dives deep into the physiologic processes around viruses, illnesses, and immune function, is often at odds with the WHO.

It appears that most individuals who participate in a GFD do not have a physiologic requirement for the diet and likely do not derive substantial benefit.

It seems obvious psychological stresses can damage someone physiologically over time, and vis versa.

It may only be that what we consider to be schizophrenia in a physiologic sense presents entirely different in the blind and is unrecognizable despite being present.

Insel says, "We need to begin collecting the genetic, imaging, physiologic, and cognitive data to see how all the data – not just the symptoms – cluster and how these clusters relate to treatment response.

It is not, as many clinicians believe, a psychological problem that should not be taken seriouslyIt feels so weird to separate the psychological and physiological so cleanly.

"Note that in general, when the medical establishment talks about "stress", its practitioners generally mean physiologic stress states, such as burns, trauma, sepsis, or multiorgan dysfunction.

Other physiologic and psychologic factors can contribute to gastrointestinal symptoms that mimic lactose intolerance.

They are a physiologic reaction to environmental conditions that is a byproduct of untold generations of evolutionary development.

Multiple system involvement with its physiologic abnormalities and genotypic findings, turns this complex disease into a fascinating diagnostic mystery.

' It is not appropriate to dismiss these patients by saying, 'I am chronically fatigued, too'".Theodore Ganiats, one of the committee members wrote, "The literature review found sufficient evidence that ME/CFS is a disease with a physiologic basis.

Have a basic understanding on how genome works is really easy, you have free courses all over the internet and you only need ~2 hours of genetic 101 to understand than any biologic/genetic "fact" based on sociology, statistics and questionnaires and NO physiologic evidence at all is just dumb, unhelpful and uninteresting.

Physiologic definitions


of or consistent with an organism's normal functioning; "physiologic functions"; "physiological processes"

See also: physiological