Phonemics in a sentence as a noun

Not just in grammar itself, but in phonemics as well. Wikipedia appears to verify in part: "This body of work became known in 19th century Europe, where it influenced modern linguistics initially through Franz Bopp, who mainly looked at Pini [most famous Sanskrit grammarian].

Now, he has actually iterated upon that post and did not write it from scratch, which I can tell because I recognize his writing style, and he posted a very similar comment sans the phonemics and phonetics on some of HN thread 2 years back on learning languages[1]. You'll notice trends in the structure, as he moves from his relevant story, rounds around some inline-defined concepts, and finally closes with a summarized forward outlook and pitfalls to avoid.

Phonemics definitions


the study of the sound system of a given language and the analysis and classification of its phonemes

See also: phonology