Persimmon in a sentence as a noun

"What kind of persimmon faced killjoy is against a little adult fun?

One of the things I miss about the Bay, along with the pervasive jasmine, and persimmon season.

How many walnut trees can you use in your canopy before you start shading out your persimmons?

You haven’t tried astringent until you’ve had an Asian persimmon like Hachiya that’s not quite ready.

I missed the mulberries this year but in a couple of weeks I'll also have some apples and avocados to add to that and maybe some persimmon.

>What's a better treat than an apple, an orange, a persimmon, fig, kiwi...?If 'better' refers to taste, the answer is simple: an Oreo.

Keeping in mind that you seem to want to compare arbitrary bullying to the more specific type persimmons references.

It's not as though plants just take care of themselves to be productiveSome do and some don't. Whoever built the house we are renting planted persimmon, pomegranate, tangerine, orange, and lemon trees in the front and backyard.

Dont forget bezoars from unripe persimmons, or hydrazine poisoning from improperly cooked morels, or hydrogen cyanide poisoning from fruit pits.

I don't remember how many times I need to tell my parents "don't listen to that, that's completely fake" "seaweeds on the market are not made of plastic bags", "it's fine to eat persimmon",...> It's too complicated to explain, so I take your word for it?

Persimmon definitions


any of several tropical trees of the genus Diospyros


orange fruit resembling a plum; edible when fully ripe