Persecutor in a sentence as a noun

It is always wrong, no matter who the persecutor is and who the minority is.

Who said nobody is attacking the persecutor's office and why is it either and not both ?

But it's possible for people of Group A to be the minority in one place and the persecutor in another.

>Looks like an overzealous persecutor found himself in front of an overzealous judge.

They should allocate a response time and the persecutor's microphones should stop working until the victim has had their entire time.

The best retort is "You don't get to decide that - your persecutor does and you have no way of knowing what their twisted ideology will find 'wrong' with your past actions.

I don't think you'll find a persecutor willing to take a laundry list of low probability evidence and go after it, whatever the size of the list.

Because when we bring liberty into the picture, we are in fact saying that her liberty is more important than the persecutor's liberty.

Do you honestly think there was anyone on the jury that understood what he did, and wasn't just taking the persecutor's modern-witch hysteria as fact?

> It usually doesn't go well for people that try to harm others and publicly admit itIf you're a federal persecutor, it usually goes very well.

This is not just about Aaron's persecutor but all persecutors behaving in this manner and I'm hoping she will be the first of many being taken out of office for good.

So you are saying that if you are uncomfortable with your experience of discrimination then you should change your appearance to appease your persecutor?Do you make this **** up yourself, or does it get sent to you through the mail as part of your subscription to ******* Monthly?

Persecutor definitions


someone who torments

See also: tormentor tormenter