Permutation in a sentence as a noun

Each of those files is a different browser permutation.

To expand a little, the NSA also required the initial permutation of plaintext bits.

I believe that the social media permutation is, "In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 people"

The framework will drop you down to permutation/combination problems.

Some of these people exist, but it's more common to find boutique consulting firms with 3-person teams of EE/CE/machinist or some such permutation.

What is needed is a means to guarantee the quality of a tour, short of inspecting each permutation individually.

Look at it another way: If you **** a coin 76 times, you generate a permutation, but 2^76 is such a large number that your permutation is likely unique.

Every properly shuffled deck of cards is likely a unique permutation that has never before been seen across the entire history of people shuffling cards.

Users of a brute-force algorithm that sorts through all permutations can be certain they have met the challenge, but such an approach lacks both subtlety and, as we know, practical efficiency.

Do you think it's a bad precedent if Google becomes popular and you can show that a person subsequently registered all the single permutation misspellings of Google and then tried to sell them back to Google?

The computing power required to test all the permutations to select the best assignment is vast; the number of possible configurations exceeds the number of particles in the universe.

Using a phenotype permutation test we could also reject the null hypothesis of non-heritability for this trait in favour of our best-fitting model of heritability.

A programmer maintaining a new project is going to feel frustrated when the application cannot be easily extended in a way that they expect, but the original author should be forgiven for not predicting every possible future permutation of their existing code base.

In the interest of honesty about how easily impressed I am, and because I still think it's a neat little trick:You want to generate a permutation of the entire IPv4 address space, but you don't simply want to shuffle every possible IP address because that would require you to keep an insane amount of state.

Permutation definitions


an event in which one thing is substituted for another; "the replacement of lost blood by a transfusion of donor blood"

See also: substitution transposition replacement switch


the act of changing the arrangement of a given number of elements


complete change in character or condition; "the permutations...taking place in the physical world"- Henry Miller


act of changing the lineal order of objects in a group