Peephole in a sentence as a noun

This one sounds almost like peephole optimization of sorts.

Of course, this turned into a major weeks long discussion with the VC++ team about this peephole optimization.

It's easy to go overboard with it, but it can make a big difference in the right situations.- Your compiler probably has a peephole optimizer.

I found myself writing 'sed' scripts to do peephole optimization on the intermediate assembly language of one of the C compilers we were using.

If I'm going to the door from inside, to look through the peephole to see who is pounding on the door and yelling for me to open it, I would not find it helpful for the door to unlock itself.

The reviewers are looking at the set of changes through a peephole, and you end up having to defend things along the lines of "I promise that is taken care of in the patch after the next one; please approve this.

You're very rarely likely to run into a problem with closure conversion in a programming language you wrote, but you might run into a problem with peephole optimization that you would never get to implementing unless you have a PhD in PL.

It is\n not transactional, an agreement between a listener or a\n spy or a peephole keeper and the person being spied on.\n\n If you accept this supposedly bilateral offer, to provide\n email service for you for free as long as it can all be \n read, then everybody who corresponds with you has been \n subjected to the bargain, which was supposedly bilateral\n in nature.

Peephole definitions


a hole (in a door or an oven etc) through which you can peep

See also: spyhole eyehole