Pedicure in a sentence as a noun

All feet look good; nothing a good pedicure can't fix.

Let's get the unwashed masses washed first before we get them pedicured and into tuxedos.

" Not as easy to stop a prepaid pedicure halfway and say "can I have the facial instead?

I feel the exact same way about manicures/pedicures/eyebrow waxing.

Groupon has revolutionized paying $5 less for a pedicure on Sundays before 1pm.

For example, does it make sense for very skilled professional to go to an establishment to get a massage or a manicure/pedicure?

"Between 2010 and 2017, the number of manicurists and pedicurists doubled"Lots of middle class women get manicures and pedicures.

If you do only have one kind of genitals, then services for the other kind of genitals probably aren't for you, just as pedicure is not for people who don't have legs.

Pedicure in a sentence as a verb

It would be "convenient" if AT&T's CEO were to appear in my boudoir tomorrow morning to give me a pedicure, comb my beard, spritz me with Axe Body Spray, and tie my bow tie.

I agree with minicole that "female" activities like pedicures are off-putting even insulting.

If someone comes up with a autonomous mobile hair salon/manicure/pedicure/waxing/make up vehicle, there is certainly a huge opportunity.

I don't claim to know exactly where that is, but I'm confident that "meh, granny's gonna die anyways, and I want to buy stuff and get a pedicure" is a rather ghastly approach to the current situation.

I'm going to be the jerk that says using yoga and pedicures as a means to bring women in might actually be more alienating than welcoming to many of us. I have no interest in any of those activities intermingling, and I think it sends a message that we need to "genderize" things to make them relevant or appealing.

Their products and services are, perhaps, well positioned in a meta-market besides other hygiene and personal care products and services, such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental hygienist, hand wash, pedicure or chiropodist, etc.

" Cosmetologists also do hairstyling, mani/pedicure, and electrolysis for example.

Pedicure definitions


professional care for the feet and toenails


care for one's feet by cutting and shaping the nails, etc.