Pearly in a sentence as a noun

Too bad you're not 5'll, blonde, with pearly whites.

Now, add these words of pearly wisdom to the end: "It's also none of your ******* business." It's their time, not yours.

> pearly whites teeth I blame ads like colgate for this, natural teeth have yellowish hue.

If they can grow me back a set of pearly whites instead of the tea/soda-infused yellow ones I have, I'll give them all my money.

Some time later, the priest was waiting impatiently outside of the pearly gates, and when St. Peter allowed him through, he marched right up to God and demanded an explanation." I have been faithful all my life.

The vast majority of Muslims do not believe in the 72 virgins, any more than Christians believe in harps and literal "pearly gates".

You'd be surprised what's out there if you ask the right people instead of going through the normal "big pearly gates" known as standard university admissions. The other option is to go apply to companies you'd like to work with now.

At the pearly gates they are let in and allowed to ask god one question. They ask him, about the Epstein *******, and god replies “no my sons, there was no conspiracy, it was in fact *******” The conspiracy theorists turn to one another and remark, “This goes even higher than we thought”

Pearly in a sentence as an adjective

The older generation - which also is the one that is most easily influenced by the church due to pearly-gate anxiety syndrome - is quite scared of further modernization and obviously the church is scared shitless of losing its power base. This sort of thing changes one funeral at the time.

I could care less about pearly necklaces and cleveland steamers, the only thing I care about is making sure my sexual partner is satisfied. Having sex with prostitutes, be it with a cheapo ****** in the dark alley or with a high end, four figure, 'siliconized' escort cheapens the experience.

To believe that you have predicted all of the thousands of scenarios that will arise out of "just one small change" and forego testing is a good way to surprise somebody an early trip to the pearly gates.

I am sure that Biden does not have the pearly white hands of a saint, nor is Trump as evil as he is sometimes painted, but I need you to pay the coin of logic before you expect me to invest in your emotional stock.

America has to move beyond its Puritan past and stop pretending that those in power are pearly white, or even that they need to give the appearance of being pearly white. That pressure to appear so clean is what opens the door to the corruption that has plagued American politics since the postwar boom of the military industrial complex.

An Earth rich in gamma radiation and alpha particles might be the celestial promised land, and certain aliens might gratefully resurrect our dead and take them through the pearly gates to their planet of toxic gold, frankincense and myrrh. But, yeah, nuclear electricity could save the day for the next generation, so we need to figure out these niggling details.

This dark legacy stretches into today - the last lynching was in 1981, and white Christian America still worships a vision of a nice, pearly white European looking Jesus, presented by millionaire preachers in mega churches who say “just give me some money and you too can be redeemed”. And not to mention their pseudo worship of a man who is so laughably espouses the exact opposite of the Christian teachings.

Pearly definitions


informal terms for a human `tooth'

See also: chopper


of a white the color of pearls

See also: pearly-white