Payola in a sentence as a noun

The scalr reference point sounds like payola to me.

There is no "payola" in searching the database.

Someone's got to handle the payola/promotion/production aspect and that stuff ain't free.

Interestingly, a music radio station might not necessarily need to be ad supported, except that payola was for some reason made illegal.

There have been many conspiracy theories floating around.. Since the beginning msft lobbied hard against buying those laptops, book publishers recently got caught doing major payola to school officials, Textbooks with controversial material etc etc .

How many of those sales occurred because people heard your song on Pandora, who won't play specific songs on command, and so they wanted to hear it again on their time?Back in the bad old payola days you would have paid much more than that just to have your song even on the freakin' radio.

Payola definitions


a bribe given to a disc jockey to induce him to promote a particular record