Paucity in a sentence as a noun

You might replace it with "lack", "dearth", or "paucity".

This post makes assertions based on a paucity of evidence or sound argument.

Considering the paucity of games written for OS X I think its a stretch to see any number of games running on Linux.

Numerical algorithms suffer from a paucity of types.

This is what established groups do when confronted with change: raise any objection even though a moments thought demonstrates the paucity of its merits.

The lack of mood emoticons on Twitter is not a problem worth solving, and failure to see its utility is not for a paucity of vision or ambition.

Right, but the oddities and general paucity of the architectural registers makes it hard to actually put the large physical register file to use.

You stop short of actually identifying the thief; is this primarily due to ethical concerns or the paucity of off-network information?

For example, if I think that the ratio of negativity to positivity represents the diversity of ways you can disagree and the paucity of ways to agree.

When the situation reaches the tipping point where it's a signal of mental paucity that you decided to take on 200k of debt for something you could have gotten for a lot less, I wonder what will happen...or how close we are to that point.

"From Excession, by Iain M. Banks:"It could see that - by some criteria - a warship, just by the\n perfectly articulated purity of its purpose, was the most beautiful\n single artefact the Culture was capable of producing, and at the same\n time understand the paucity of moral vision such a judgement implied.\n To fully appreciate the beauty of a weapon was to admit\n to a kind of short-sightedness close to blindness, to confess to\n a sort of stupidity.

Paucity definitions


an insufficient quantity or number

See also: dearth