Patronymic in a sentence as a noun

Hah, add to that the confusion that me and my sister have the patronymic from our father's second name.

Family name is used, but it is common to address the person by given name and patronymic.

Surnames a generally a function of who you were born to, rather than a choice, just like a patronymic.

As is usual, Irish names are patronymic meaning they're relating to the male's lineage.

There are cases even now when people give their kids a matronymic, but that is a battle against bureaucracy.- And this goes beyond just patronymics.

"Einarsson" is a patronymic derived from a parent's given name, not a surname or family name as is common in many western cultures.

It was originally a patronymic, meaning 'Son of Lope', Lope itself being a Spanish given name deriving from Latin lupus, meaning 'wolf'.

Patronymic in a sentence as an adjective

"Which covers the Icelandic given-name first scenario, as well as the matronymic vs patronymic issue.

So people two generations apart in the same family have completely different names, and non-siblings having the same patronymic isn't an indicator of kinship.

And speaking of Putin's passport: Russian international passports usually have the patronymic spelled only in the Cyrillic name, the international name is just First Last.

I think it's the best decision - nothing good is going to come out from forcing patronymics on people who cannot even read Russian and exposing your citizens to all potential fuckups caused by name confusion.

The Russian language defines 3 tiers of familiarity/address: a nickname for family/friends, a full first name for acquaintances of the same age, and a full first + patronymic name for everyone else.

""It originated as a patronymic surname, meaning 'son of Martín'... itself derived from the Latin Martinus, whose root is Mars, the name of the Roman god of fertility and war.".So it seems the article left out some detail from each.

Patronymic definitions


a family name derived from name of your father or a paternal ancestor (especially with an affix (such as -son in English or O'- in Irish) added to the name of your father or a paternal ancestor)

See also: patronym


of or derived from a personal or family name