Patronise in a sentence as a verb

The people were friendly, they didn't patronise you.

And, without wishing to patronise, those needs do become more acutely felt as you get older.

People who patronise prostitutes, however... those people are disgusting scum.

"Xbox One" just seems like some marketing guys idea of a good thing to patronise people and make them think it's 'the only one', 'the single device to do it all' etc.

Stuff like The Wire, which doesn't patronise the viewer and expects you to pay enough attention to draw your own conclusions, I find much more satisfying than stuff that hands things to you on a plate.

We all accept that Paypal probably have a hard job to weed out frauds etc, but they could improve things immensley by just making sure their phone support people do not patronise and talk down to customers when they freeze their funds.

A better definition would be 'contempt of women'.You can hold someone in contempt without hating them - for example, when you condescend to or patronise someone, you're exhibiting contempt for them.

And when you hear arts items on news programmes no-one stops to patronise the audience[1] yet anything that goes beyond very simple science on news is handled very gently, as if all the audience are idiots.

Patronise definitions


do one's shopping at; do business with; be a customer or client of

See also: patronize shop frequent sponsor


assume sponsorship of

See also: sponsor patronize


treat condescendingly

See also: patronize condescend


be a regular customer or client of; "We patronize this store"; "Our sponsor kept our art studio going for as long as he could"

See also: patronize patronage support