Paternity in a sentence as a noun

If I choose to work rather than take paternity leave, what resource am I depleting?

There is a price you pay to the court DNA tester to either fabricate or deny a paternity test.

I founded a startup with my brother 5 years ago - we launched in my two weeks paternity leave from work.

Men take paternity leave, women take maternity leave.

He denied paternity of his daughter Lisa, even testifying in court that he was infertile.

The height of irresponsibility here is women who claim to be on the pill because they actually want kids, but to afford that they have to "oops" some guy who doesn't. This, and paternity fraud, are what make male birth control important.

You have to negotiate it?edit Not to suggest Ireland is ahead of the curve here, paternity leave does not exist whereas it would in, say, Sweden.

The source of the 30% statistic is from a selection-biased sample of people who undergo paternity testing because there is already a question as to who is the father.

Maternity and paternity leave are about requiring employers to allow you early bonding time with your children, not about the nanny state judging how you parent.

Especially having a family is much easier with longer vacations, maternity/paternity leave, heavily subsidized child care, socialized healthcare and a general safety net if anything goes wrong.

In french law, moral rights provide 4 sub-rights:* divulgation right, the author is sole holder of the right to decide the original disclosure of the work* paternity right, respect must be given to the parental relation between the author and the work* work respect right, the author can forbid any and all transformative work.

I'm earning 20%-30% more as a teacher than I did as a developer\n - 2 weeks paid paternity leave\n - 14 weeks paid maternity leave\n - 22 hours of class time per week\n - Tight unfair dismissal laws\n - Ongoing unconditional pay increases that outpace inflation.\n\n\n"...corporations have been gaining more and more power over their employees.

Paternity definitions


the state of being a father; "tests were conducted to determine paternity"


the kinship relation between an offspring and the father

See also: fatherhood


the act of initiating a new idea or theory or writing; "the authorship of the theory is disputed"

See also: authorship