Pasteurize in a sentence as a verb

You don't have to pasteurize a bell pepper.

I have heard of people using sous vide to pasteurize both the shells and contents of eggs.

Also... With fermented sauces, once you store it, should/could you pasteurize it?

Sausage made with raw pork and non pasteurized is just incredible.

If they pasteurize or pressure cook the water with the player in it, I would be very impressed.

Maybe you could pasteurize milk in an extra-long run of your hot cycle, but it won't come close to sterilizing stuff.

It's really a shame they're not even trying to be creative:for example why not use the heat to pasteurize milk?

You could always use a sous vide device to pasteurize eggs before dehydrating them.

Absolutely, but if you add plenty of starters to pasteurized milk you can get nice fermentation.

We don't pasteurize milk if and only if the supplier says "it's probably diseased", we pasteurize it all on principle.

Cans of soup could also be shaped the way they are due to the fact that it might be easier to pasteurize a cylindrical can than a cube.

If you're making sunny-side up eggs, the yolk won't get heated enough to pasteurize it, but the impact is at least greatly reduced.

However, during recent years we have gotten something that's sort of in between UHT and regular milk. I don't know exactly what the process is, maybe they it's just pasteurize it for a bit longer.

So the "small farms" that are non economic wind up supplying the corporations who pasteurize, package, process, and market the milk for retail both as milk and as other finished products.

Longer consistent cook times allow you to pasteurize at lower temperatures, so you can serve chicken at a lower temperature than you would in a conventional oven.

In a 2030 version of Hackernews someone will point out that a lot of people must have known about coordinated efforts to dump fluoride into our water and everyday products, pasteurize cow's milk to produce a liquid substance that does not exist in nature and then push it as healthy and essential.

Co-locate the miners with the pasteurization plantseven better: desalinate water to steam, use the steam to heat the milk and the milk to cool the steam, now you have desalinated water AND pasteurized milk...but oh no, that would actually create a job for a couple of people to work it out and change the plants and negotiate and discover similar opportunities...

Pasteurize definitions


heat food in order to kill harmful microorganisms; "pasteurize milk"

See also: pasteurise