Parietal in a sentence as an adjective

Your motor cortex needs to communicate with the frontal lobe and the parietal lobe.

Just imagine how many lives it will save once Google is allowed to implant Maps directly into our parietal lobes.

It's between the parietal and occipital lobes in my left hemisphere, larger than a chicken egg.

... "Differences in parietal lobe activation have been seen in other studies.

Meditation increases theta waves and drops parietal lobe activity.

Active repetition also began tuning up the nerve capsules that connected his prefrontal cortex to his parietal cortex in the back of the brain.

The parietal lobe was already known to differ between men and women, with women's parietal lobes having proportionally thicker cortexes or "grey matter.

Now, a University of Iowa study shows a connection between this sex-linked ability and the structure of the parietal lobe, the brain region that controls this type of skill.

In 1999, further analysis by a team at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario revealed that his parietal operculum region in the inferior frontal gyrus in the frontal lobe of the brain was vacant.

Those are some interesting: "When Amargan sketched these images—as opposed to shapeless scribbles—the researchers saw activity in brain areas typically associated with vision, including the striate cortex and the frontal and parietal regions of the visual cortex.

"Stimulation to the the posterior parietal cortex facilitated numerical learning, whereas automaticity for the learned material was impaired.

> "Counter-intuitively, Koubeissi's team found that the woman's loss of consciousness was associated with increased synchrony of electrical activity, or brainwaves, in the frontal and parietal regions of the brain that participate in conscious awareness.

I can't find a link to the study they summarize, but here's a quote from the article:> Those who had the parietal area involved in numerical cognition stimulated learned the new number system more quickly than those who got sham stimulation, the researchers report today in the Journal of Neuroscience.

In addition, the patterns of activation when hearing ones own name relative to hearing the names of others are similar to the patterns reported when individuals make judgments about themselves and their personal qualities, and include the regions of the medial frontal cortex and superior temporal cortex near the temporo-parietal junction.

Parietal definitions


of or relating to or associated with the parietal bones in the cranium; "parietal lobe"