Paraquat in a sentence as a noun

Using roundup leads to an increase in the overall resistance to roundup and a decrease in the resistance to 2,4-D, paraquat, etc.

Glyphosate is considerably less toxic [0] than other pesticides used in the past, such as paraquat.

As opposed to something like paraquat which breaks cell membranes and generally is toxic to pretty much all biological forms.

We have known for many years that common herbicides, for example paraquat and maneb, can cause Parkinson's. Sometimes surprisingly quickly.

Atrazine exposure has been shown to result in delays or changes in pubertal development in female rats"Then there is paraquat dichloride.

The author seems to be confusing the US government's use of agent orange in Vietnamese jungles, with their use of paraquat on ********* farms in Mexico in the 70s.

Paraquat definitions


a poisonous yellow solid used in solution as a herbicide